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[GUIA] Zurhidon Stronghold

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[GUIA] Zurhidon Stronghold Empty [GUIA] Zurhidon Stronghold

Missatge por Robinrunes Dv 25 Mar - 16:12

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Level Requirements: 55+
Bosses: 4

I would say this is not a very hard boss. It has high damage & high dot, but that's about all you can expect from it. It has a few special abilities which can make you wipe.

1. It's useful to try & interrupt all her casts to make sure you don't receive debuffs you don't want. You will always gain certain debuffs since they're instant, but you can avoid some as well.

2. Every once in a while she spawns an add. You must kill this add (Just stun it, so noone gets hit), to avoid wiping. This mob always spawns in the middle of the room. So it's useful to not fight the boss near that. The mob also has a specific class picture. This class represents it's defense, magical defense and attack. Some classes will do more damage then the other. We always let everyone who's ranged fight the adds.

3. If you're a bit to slow it will spawn multiple adds. It's important to kill the boss fast and there are 2 things you can do. Kill the adds or strip & die.

This is mainly a boss which requires high DPS and a bit of HP.

Lady Hansis
A boss which requires speed and knowledge of other bosses. As soon you try to attack her, you'll get stunned and transported to middle. She can't be attacked. She'll spawn 3 bosses 1 by 1. This can be ANY boss from ANY instance (Snow Blake, Yusalien, Geba, Ancalon, Giant Life Leecher). You need to use the tactic you use at the normal instance as well.

Gotta be fast & precious, if you don't know the proper tactics for those bosses you will most likely wipe. Ofcourse there bosses damage is tweaked massively. For example, AoE from Ancalon hits for 5k per tick.

Once you killed all 3 bosses (Random) you can focus on Lady Hansis, has some nice AoE (pretty high) and high damage here and there, but shouldn't cause a problem. She also spawns snakes from the gates. These snakes need to be killed asap to prevent wiping.

A nice tactical boss if I may say so.

This boss has a couple of special abilities.

1. It starts off with 1 of his special abilities. This special ability has 3 forms. He'll get a buff on himself, and 1 of his armorparts will glow. (Easier to recognise by checking the buff, since boss is turned around). When he has his feet buff, he will random charge people and leave a firepath. Don't step in it. You can DPS the boss during this buff. When he has his glovesbuff, he has higher damage on tank. You can DPS during this buff. When he has his chestbuff he reflects all damage. DON'T ATTACK DURING THIS BUFF! He'll cast 2 of these buffs before you go to the next special ability. He can cast 2x the same as well.

2. After this stage he'll reset his aggro so let the tank get aggro.

3. He'll now spawn 3 kinds of weapons in the room. From the side you went in there will be one in the left corner(closest to you), 1 in the right corner(closest to you) and 1 in the middle. It's important that you kill these weapons, or else they become alive dealing high extra damage.

4. After this stage he'll reset his aggro so let the tank get aggro.

5. A tornado spawns on the field attacking all players. The tank should turn the boss around (so it doesn't face the other players) and everyone should stick close together near the boss. As soon Balothar casts Doomsday all run it with the tornado. The tornado will interrupt doomsday. Once you done this run out or else you have AoE. If you don't manage to interrupt Doomsday you're dead. It's an instant kill.

6. After Doomsday Balothar will reset his aggro, so let the tank gain some aggro. Repeat stage 1-6.

Between Balothar and Zurhidon Messenger you'll find a summon circle with 'yellow' mobs. Don't be the leroy and run trough and die. Don't be the leroy by random killing them. There's a tactic behind it. Kill the mobs on the sides. 2 of those mobs will drop a costume.

Let 2 players get the costume and stand on the place of the mob you got the costume from (Instructor must stand in 1 of the circles where an instructor is, same for the other side). The important thing is, the casting may not be broken, so there must be a constant 6 casters. If you don't do this, the Demon Lord will appear and instant kill everyone. Once you're in the circle, hit the costume and start casting with the special skill bar you got.

This is the time when your party can kill the mob in your circle. Loot the body (Which drops a costume) and move to the next circle. Let the player who got the 2nd costume stand in the circle, start casting and then the party can kill the mob again. Loot body, move to next circle, etc, etc. When you done this the barrier is gone and you can continue to clear.
Zurhidon Messenger

This boss has 3 Phases.

1. His first form. Not to much HP. This part shouldn't give you to much problems. The adds will shoot blue lines (Can't kill the adds) which cause a decent amount of damage. Must be healed by priests. Also try and interrupt every single cast the boss makes to avoid unnecessary damage.

2. Phase 2, the Demon Lord respawns him. This is where it gets hard. Basically exactly the same tactic as first phase, but this time the Messenger will give the people debuff which cause a magical damage increase of 300%. THIS MUST BE DISPELLED, because the adds are going to fire the blue lines on those persons. If you don't dispell this you'll most certainly die. For the rest, the tactic is the same.

3. Phase 3, the Demon Lord spawns and comes to fight. Tank should tank the Demon Lord and the rest should focus on the adds which become vulnerable 1 by 1. Kill them 1 by 1, at the end you'll start to receive some high AoE damage, but keep killing the adds. Once you done this the fight is over.

It's not smart to use Blood Arrow at this boss and I advise everyone to fully buff up with attack power and above all HP and magical defense.

Nombre de missatges : 470
Fecha de inscripción : 03/02/2010
Edad : 47
Classe : Explo/lladre

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[GUIA] Zurhidon Stronghold Empty Re: [GUIA] Zurhidon Stronghold

Missatge por Robinrunes Dj 14 Abr - 17:44

copipastejo una guia en castellà:

Fortaleza Zurhidon

Camino al 1º Boss: En las salas hay muchos zuris de diferentes clases y estos al lotearlos te dan un traje y un tranquilizante, bien que uno de la party lo codicie. Hay unos zuris llamados incendiarios, estos hacen mucho daño y es importante que uno de la party se ponga el traje y le haga una magia que aparece cuando te lo colocas, a los incendiarios, así estos no hacen daño, pero es muy importante que una vez le haces la magia hables con ellos llevando el traje, porque así te darán una botella de color magenta que prende fuego al suelo. Estas botellas reservalas, son para más adelante, pues a lo largo de la instancia se veran unos zuris que estan ocultos que no se les puede targetear, la unica manera es cuando estos pegan mucho a uno de la party y se haga un target target, para que dejen de estar ocultos y sea mas sencillo se usa la botella magenta, se tira y asi estos zuris dejan de estar ocultos y se les puede targetear.

Primer Boss: Charionys

Invoca una bestia morcus, al a cual hay que matar rapidamente, sino seguira invocando bestias que se iran acumulando hasta que invoca tres a la vez. En ese momento ya apenas se le puede hacer daño al boss y en cualquier momento hará un ataque que mata a toda la party.

Camino al 2º Boss: (Solo si eres picaro), para ir al 2º boss se puede ir en oculto que una vez llegas a él, teletransporta a toda la party. Cuando vas de camino y pasas un puente de color rojo (pasalo por el centro, pues en los laterales hay dos zuris ocultos), se ve un pasillo que no hay moobs, de repente saldrá un cartel diciendo que se ha oido un clic, en ese momento ponte velocidad y corre, cuando gires a la izquierda vuelve a ocultarte y pasa rapido la puerta (cuidado que nada más pasarla hay nagas), si no lo haces rápido salen dos elites naga en la puerta que están muy juntos y aunque vayas en oculto te ven.

Segundo Boss: Dama Hansis

Invoca 3 bosses de cualquier instancia inferior a Zuri cada uno tiene 500k de vida. Despues de matar a cada uno de ellos se le da al boss principal.

Camino al 3º Boss: hay q bordear un circulo que tiene moobs llamados "Maestro de Runas Zurhidon" si no se le tira "silencio" hace un ataque que mata.

Tercer Boss: Balothar

DPS al boss y cuando invoca 2 armas hay que matarlas sino hará unos ataques muy fuertes.

Camino al 4º boss: Hay una sala con Zuris alrededor de una piedra formando un circulo, estan pacificos (con el nombre de color amarillo), en los laterales de la sala hay unos zuris (con el nombre de color rojo), priemro hay q matar la los zuris de los laterales pero es muy importante que no se agree a los zuri "amarillos", una vez matados los zuri de los laterales se tiene que poner un dps detras de cada zuri "amarillo" y matarlos a la vez, en caso de que no se haga así estos zuri invocan a un Sirloth furioso que mata de un golpe.

Cuarto Boss: Mensajero Zurhidon

Hace una cuenta atras que si no se "limpia" se muere. Se da al boss y cuando muerre aparece un falso Sirloth que el tanque tiene que aguantar. Alrededor del circulo se ven unos Zurhidon que si les pegas aparece un boss, no hay que pegarles hasta que Sirloth le lanza un rayo desapareciendo un "escudo" que llevan alrededor, entocnes se le mata, asi con todos los zuri.

Nombre de missatges : 470
Fecha de inscripción : 03/02/2010
Edad : 47
Classe : Explo/lladre

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[GUIA] Zurhidon Stronghold Empty Re: [GUIA] Zurhidon Stronghold

Missatge por Dinilya Dj 14 Abr - 19:45

Tercer Boss: Balothar

DPS al boss y cuando invoca 2 armas hay que matarlas sino hará unos ataques muy fuertes.

Per lo que sé jo, un cop mates les armes tens que anar a sota del boss i rematarlo
Membre d'èlit
Membre d'èlit

Nombre de missatges : 27
Fecha de inscripción : 10/05/2010
Edad : 48
Ubicació : Mataró
Classe : Caballer 62 / Guerrer 62

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